From the very beginning, our company embraced the vision of creating the Hellenic Shipyards Association and consists of one of its proud founding members.

The recent revival of the ship-building and ship-constructing industry in Greece was the topic of the 1st Conference of the newly established Association of Hellenic Shipyards (“Ένωση Ελληνικών Ναυπηγείων”).

VANOS S.A. sponsored and actively participated to the Association’s 1st Conference, which took place on Tuesday, December 19th, at the Athenaum Intercontinental Hotel and was attended by representatives of the Greek government, prestigious maritime organizations and companies of the broader maritime cluster.

Mrs. Katerina Vanou, President & CEO and Mr. Emmanuel Vassilopoulos, Vice President & COO of VANOS S.A. attended the event, while Miss Iliana Vassilopoulou, Project Manager of the Research & Development Dpt. presented our company’s history and the comprehensive offered solutions & services, which primarily focus on Safety in every field, proving our motto “ALWAYS WITH SAFETY”.

We salute the initiative of the Hellenic Shipyards Association and wish that this Conference will be the first of many more successful to come.