VANOS S.A. undertook the grand sponsorship of the Hostile Environment Awareness Pivotal Training Course (HEAT), which was held for the first time in Greece.

The pivotal training program, to which Mr. Emmanuel Vassilopoulos – COO & Vice President of VANOS S.A. participated as a trainee, took place during 13-17/11/2023 in Kilkis, and was organized by the Multinational Peace Support Operations Training Center (MPSOTC), in collaboration with Meducation – International Medical Training Institute specializing in Emergency Prehospital Care and First Aid.

The main purpose of the course was to improve the trainees’ awareness of the multiple threats that may be encountered in hostile environments and to provide ways to deal with hazards and survive under any conditions in the field.

We would like to express our warmest Thank You to all participants and instructors, the Multinational Peace Support Operations Training Center (MPSOTC) and the Meducation Institute for the unwavering support and life changing experience.